Air Scrubber Air Purifiers

Air Scrubber Plus® ensures that air ducts, tables, furniture, countertops, bathrooms, doorknobs, and practically every surface you touch is cleaner and safer for your family. It’s as simple as turning on your fan, furnace, or air conditioning system.
Once installed, Air Scrubber Plus® goes to work right away by copying the power of nature outside to clean your home inside. As air passes through the unit, it is transformed by our unique technology. ActivePure™ scrubbers then travel through the ductwork into every corner of your home, effectively treating and purifying the entire house. In only 30 minutes our technology reduces over 90% of the pathogens in the air - which is 50 times more powerful than typical HVAC filtration.
- ActivePure® Technology reduces the amount of ozone that exists in the air
- No other product features technology that works faster or more eciently than the Air Scrubber by Aerus
- Aerus features the only NASA Certified Space Technology™ in its class
- Millions of Satisifed Customers
- Our technology is designed, engineered, and produced in the United States
- Aerus is the only company that utilizes ActivePure® Certified Technology™ to protect against airborne and surface contaminants
- Aerus has been improving indoor conditions for over 90 years
- ActivePure® Technology is effective against MRSA, Staph, Strep, E-Coli, Listeria, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and more
- Proven effective in the International Space Station, Liberty Bell, Ground Zero Museum, Major League Baseball facilities, hospitals, schools, homes, and international hotel brands